Well... Both a lot, and nothing at all.
It's 2010 now. It's been an awful long time. I don't see Si-chan as much since our campfire group died. Basically at Conventions. D=
I went to Potter Camp with her last year, it was funny reading the post where I complained about it because I loved it, i'm going back this year, and She's in florida visiting family and such. her one year, both the next, then me. Funny how that works, huh?
I've calmed down a bit, reading my old posts... I used a lot of exclaimation points. ^_^;;
I still have my kitty, but he's a buttmunch. We call him Satan Kitty, unless you're shea then he's Fitzwilliam Darcy. XD Or my dad, then he's cat-face. Well... Now that I think about it, in combination with a lot of other names that's mostly me who calls him that. XD But I love him. <3
Neither of us are homeschooled anymore, we're both going into senior year of high school when it starts up again. Me at Round Rock, her at McCallum.
I'm still best friends with Sam/Ayame/Rain/Sammie/Kyo - But she has moved to Thibodaux Louisiana and I miss her so much. =(
I've been now to a total of 8 cons, Ikkicon 1,2,4. Atsuicon, A-kon, Chimaeracon, Delta-H Con, and Yomicon. I've gone with a few different groups, and it's certainly interesting to see the very different times i've had. ^_^
I have a good group of friends, as Drama ridden and weird as we are. There's always some drama going on with our group, but we still manage to pull through and love eachother again. =) We're the ones who don't really fit in anywhere else. Geeks, who wear a lot of black, and laugh a lot, so we're not geeks or preps or emos, we are just... We. =D
My favorite Manga at this point is Probably W Juliet, Hana Kimi, and CCS (it's my old standby). My favorite anime right now is Full Moon Wo Sagashite, cheezy and girly and having weird age differences as it does. I like it. Lol. I just finished watching that and Peach Girl, having so much free time during the summer. P= Also really good are Slayers, and CCS again. ^_^
We're both living totally different lives from eachother and from before, but it's nice to come back and see this, still here like a monument to the awesome times we had. =)
Maybe we'll come back to this blog and resume our postings of geeky-ness. =D
Might be interesting. =O
Well, Kisa/Onigiri/Oni/Lauren/Hamster/Flower Child/Kitty Out!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Preparations for Ikkicon.
I have not been able to talk to Kisa-chan very much lately, but I'm trying to post more... We're both going to Ikkicon this year, again. I'm being Honda Tohru, I've nearly finished base-sewing my costume. Last I heard, Kisa-chan was being Sohma Kagura, and Sam was going to be Sohma Kyo again. I'll put pictures of my finished costume up when i'm done.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Whee! i am in school now! i go to round rock high. i am officially a dragon! XD (the mascot is a dragon.) i'll post more later, but i wanted to post that. also, michiyo was is backed up by two posts she is supposed to post, with pics, atsui-con and the festival thingy we went to. well, i'm off, i don't think if michiyo-chan is ever going to post again, or if anyone is going to read this, but whatever. ^^;; well, l8rs.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Sorry this is late, been busy. Friday Michiyo had Potter camp, so we had to figure out what we were doing, our plan ended up Michiyo and Sammie (Samantha, she wants me to call her that now) were spending the night, and we were leaving first thing for Houston, where atsui-con was. (-Http://www.atsui-con.com ) while they were spending the night, we were going to work on cosplay. mine was done, but Michiyo and Sammie's were not. Sammie ended up cosplaying as Kyo, from fruits basket, i was Kagura also FB, and Michiyo was Ed from FMA. our plan was that i would carry Sammie around on a leash, and Michiyo and jim would walk together, cuz dad had this pairing rule, for the not getting lost or messed with. also cuz we had three keys to the room, one for me one for Jim and one for dad, so the others had to stay with the keys. aaanyways, so Sammie comes over earlier, after lunch, and the two of us just hang out for a while, then Michiyo FINALLY gets out of potter camp around 6:30, and she says that she has to eat pack and head over, well, hobby lobby closes at 8, and we had to walk, so we are sitting there staring at the clock, waiting for her... Sammie is like, "lets just Go!!!" i am like, i suppose i could call her and she could meet us there... but then i call and she is like "i am right around the corner." so we wait, its 7:15, and we have to get the fabric measured and stuff, so we walk really fast and get there at 7:30, with half an hour to get everything we need for two costumes. namely, fabric, (4 kinds) a headband for Kyo's ears, thread, two shirts, and some random crap for Michiyo's. we make it with barely a minute to spare, and we head back home, arms loaded with bags. we stop at walgreens on the way and Michiyo grabs some water and Sam grabs some pudding and a collar, so i can drag her around. we ended up getting a great Dane-type collar, cuz it fit Sam, and she loved it. XD so anyway, the rest of the evening is spent singing the Buffy the vampire musical episode songs and sewing. early the next morning we get up, and i can't find the right pants and socks to go under my dress, so i am freaking out a bit. but eventually i find them and we get on the road, after being given our money. Jim got $40 i got $60, we had to work a lot that week to get moneys. we drive and drive, its a long trip, and Michiyo, Sammie and Jim sleep after a while, dad has blasting music cuz he was going to fall asleep too. i just work on Sam's leash and enjoy the music. eventually we stop for food, (i don't remember where...) and then eventually we get there, Michiyo sleeping on my and Sam's shoulders in turn, switching whenever she got uncomfortable. we know we are there when we see crowds of people in cosplay walking the streets. i wake Sam and Michiyo, we get out and go to our room. we then put our stuff up, get our badges, and begin to wander around. but, i get stuck with Sianne, (no offence, it was fun, but Sam was part of my costume.) cuz Jim, in his Naruto gear, and Sam ran off. i guess they went to go find Ami (see ikki-con post). Sianne and i wander around a bit, look at art, wait for the dealers room to open, etc. i sadly only got recognised a couple of times. Michiyo took some pics and got some pics taken. she ran into an Al, who looked like an Ed. they took pics, or rather i did. ^^;; we run into Sam and Jim at Amilee's booth, Sam says she has to go back there at ten to get her drawing commission, as i am like, are you sure my dad will let you? she is like, well he better, as i already asked him. i am like ooh... ^^;; lol Michiyo and i go into the dealers room, we are just looking 'round as dad said we should shop on Sunday, as people put things on sale cuz they don't want to carry so much stuff back home. but when we run into Sam and Jim again they have their arms full of stuff. Sam had 200 dollars, so i wasn't worried about her, but Jim dad had told to wait, and i confronted him about his, he shrugged and was like, whatever. i rolled my eyes and Michiyo and i continued on. Michiyo had a killer headache, so she wanted to go back up to the room for a bit, i run into Sam and Jim going back up, Sam had to put her stuff down, and i go with them to a drawing panel by Ami. at the end of the panel this person comes up and tells us there is an important thing we have to go to, i go get Michiyo and we run down to the room. in there they tell us that the con didn't get the attendance it needed to pay the hotel, so they were asking for donations, they needed, like, $10,000!!!!!!. we grimaced and as soon as they finished we walked out of the room, we go and find my dad, tell him about it, discuss a plan. we decide to go to the dealers room and shop, since they might not be open tomorrow, and await news. I finally get to go with Sam, but she took off her tail and ears, but thankfully not her collar. the headband was too small and the tail kept getting stepped on. i grab her leash so we don't get separated in the sudden flood of people in the Dealers Room oing exactly what we are doning. i end up getting a giant Mokona, a Katamari of anime characters drawing from Ami, A badge reading: Hello, my name is rabid fan-girl. have a nice day. it looked like one of those stickers, and the rabid fan-girl part is red and scrawled looking and kinda sideways. i got two random packs of collectable inuyasha figures. one was kikyo, whom i hate, so i gave it to Michiyo, and the other was a sango who did not want to stay on her base. but i kept her. XD the last thing i got was a badge for my uncle that was from aqua teen hunger force and it had this little blocky guy on it and it was flicking the birdie and it said "i hope you can see this boston, cause I'm doing it as hard as i can. i didn't get it, but dad and bryan (my uncle) laughed their heads off. so anyway, they announce that the con is staying open, and we are like, well, what do we do now? we just did most of tomorrow... i looked at the schedule and there was only one thing i wanted to do the next day, Ami's other drawing lesson. Michiyo felt like crap and sam was like, whatever, either way. jim wanted to stay, but we convinced him (i won't go into details for his sake) to go with promises of hanging out and awesome cosplay. we go on our way home and stop for dinner at wendys, we get shakes too. XD we to michiyo's around 130 AM, and dropped her off. sam lives right near us, so we dropped her home next, around 2, and finally we got home, (still 2, her house is 5 minutes from ours.) i passed out in my room, ending my looooong day.
Kisa-chan out! Comment!
Edit: Michiyo here, sorry for the long delay, School started and I've been busy, since my school, unlike Kisa-chan's, is actually teaching people things. If anyone actually cares, I'll fix Kisa-chan's grammer in the above post so you can actually read it. Here are some of the pictures I took.

This is Sam dressed up as Kyo, from Fruits Basket.

Wow, an entire group of Ouran Host cosplayers! Aren't they amazing?

While not exactly an anime character, Mario is technically japanese.

Here's an amazing cosplayer of Hikaru from Magic Knight Rayearth.

Here's Sumomo! All that's missing now is a Kotoko to complete the image of cuteness!
Michiyo out.
Kisa-chan out! Comment!
Edit: Michiyo here, sorry for the long delay, School started and I've been busy, since my school, unlike Kisa-chan's, is actually teaching people things. If anyone actually cares, I'll fix Kisa-chan's grammer in the above post so you can actually read it. Here are some of the pictures I took.

This is Sam dressed up as Kyo, from Fruits Basket.

Wow, an entire group of Ouran Host cosplayers! Aren't they amazing?

While not exactly an anime character, Mario is technically japanese.

Here's an amazing cosplayer of Hikaru from Magic Knight Rayearth.

Here's Sumomo! All that's missing now is a Kotoko to complete the image of cuteness!
Michiyo out.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Whee! our next con adventure is atsuicon, coming this weekend. (aug 3-5) in houston.
( http://www.atsuicon.com ) i am cosplaying, i dunno if anyone else is tho... >.< me or Michiyo-Chan will post a description after the con. XD
( http://www.atsuicon.com ) i am cosplaying, i dunno if anyone else is tho... >.< me or Michiyo-Chan will post a description after the con. XD
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Mourning Hammy And Loving Kitty

I thought i made a post for here, but i guess i didn't... On June 14th, we lost a member of our family. My hamster... T-T i was quite sad for a while, but the great thing is, i also got a kitten, his name is Ki-Rin (Pronounced key-rin) he is adorable. XDXDXDXD
there are some pics.
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