Friday, November 2, 2007
Whee! i am in school now! i go to round rock high. i am officially a dragon! XD (the mascot is a dragon.) i'll post more later, but i wanted to post that. also, michiyo was is backed up by two posts she is supposed to post, with pics, atsui-con and the festival thingy we went to. well, i'm off, i don't think if michiyo-chan is ever going to post again, or if anyone is going to read this, but whatever. ^^;; well, l8rs.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Sorry this is late, been busy. Friday Michiyo had Potter camp, so we had to figure out what we were doing, our plan ended up Michiyo and Sammie (Samantha, she wants me to call her that now) were spending the night, and we were leaving first thing for Houston, where atsui-con was. (-Http:// ) while they were spending the night, we were going to work on cosplay. mine was done, but Michiyo and Sammie's were not. Sammie ended up cosplaying as Kyo, from fruits basket, i was Kagura also FB, and Michiyo was Ed from FMA. our plan was that i would carry Sammie around on a leash, and Michiyo and jim would walk together, cuz dad had this pairing rule, for the not getting lost or messed with. also cuz we had three keys to the room, one for me one for Jim and one for dad, so the others had to stay with the keys. aaanyways, so Sammie comes over earlier, after lunch, and the two of us just hang out for a while, then Michiyo FINALLY gets out of potter camp around 6:30, and she says that she has to eat pack and head over, well, hobby lobby closes at 8, and we had to walk, so we are sitting there staring at the clock, waiting for her... Sammie is like, "lets just Go!!!" i am like, i suppose i could call her and she could meet us there... but then i call and she is like "i am right around the corner." so we wait, its 7:15, and we have to get the fabric measured and stuff, so we walk really fast and get there at 7:30, with half an hour to get everything we need for two costumes. namely, fabric, (4 kinds) a headband for Kyo's ears, thread, two shirts, and some random crap for Michiyo's. we make it with barely a minute to spare, and we head back home, arms loaded with bags. we stop at walgreens on the way and Michiyo grabs some water and Sam grabs some pudding and a collar, so i can drag her around. we ended up getting a great Dane-type collar, cuz it fit Sam, and she loved it. XD so anyway, the rest of the evening is spent singing the Buffy the vampire musical episode songs and sewing. early the next morning we get up, and i can't find the right pants and socks to go under my dress, so i am freaking out a bit. but eventually i find them and we get on the road, after being given our money. Jim got $40 i got $60, we had to work a lot that week to get moneys. we drive and drive, its a long trip, and Michiyo, Sammie and Jim sleep after a while, dad has blasting music cuz he was going to fall asleep too. i just work on Sam's leash and enjoy the music. eventually we stop for food, (i don't remember where...) and then eventually we get there, Michiyo sleeping on my and Sam's shoulders in turn, switching whenever she got uncomfortable. we know we are there when we see crowds of people in cosplay walking the streets. i wake Sam and Michiyo, we get out and go to our room. we then put our stuff up, get our badges, and begin to wander around. but, i get stuck with Sianne, (no offence, it was fun, but Sam was part of my costume.) cuz Jim, in his Naruto gear, and Sam ran off. i guess they went to go find Ami (see ikki-con post). Sianne and i wander around a bit, look at art, wait for the dealers room to open, etc. i sadly only got recognised a couple of times. Michiyo took some pics and got some pics taken. she ran into an Al, who looked like an Ed. they took pics, or rather i did. ^^;; we run into Sam and Jim at Amilee's booth, Sam says she has to go back there at ten to get her drawing commission, as i am like, are you sure my dad will let you? she is like, well he better, as i already asked him. i am like ooh... ^^;; lol Michiyo and i go into the dealers room, we are just looking 'round as dad said we should shop on Sunday, as people put things on sale cuz they don't want to carry so much stuff back home. but when we run into Sam and Jim again they have their arms full of stuff. Sam had 200 dollars, so i wasn't worried about her, but Jim dad had told to wait, and i confronted him about his, he shrugged and was like, whatever. i rolled my eyes and Michiyo and i continued on. Michiyo had a killer headache, so she wanted to go back up to the room for a bit, i run into Sam and Jim going back up, Sam had to put her stuff down, and i go with them to a drawing panel by Ami. at the end of the panel this person comes up and tells us there is an important thing we have to go to, i go get Michiyo and we run down to the room. in there they tell us that the con didn't get the attendance it needed to pay the hotel, so they were asking for donations, they needed, like, $10,000!!!!!!. we grimaced and as soon as they finished we walked out of the room, we go and find my dad, tell him about it, discuss a plan. we decide to go to the dealers room and shop, since they might not be open tomorrow, and await news. I finally get to go with Sam, but she took off her tail and ears, but thankfully not her collar. the headband was too small and the tail kept getting stepped on. i grab her leash so we don't get separated in the sudden flood of people in the Dealers Room oing exactly what we are doning. i end up getting a giant Mokona, a Katamari of anime characters drawing from Ami, A badge reading: Hello, my name is rabid fan-girl. have a nice day. it looked like one of those stickers, and the rabid fan-girl part is red and scrawled looking and kinda sideways. i got two random packs of collectable inuyasha figures. one was kikyo, whom i hate, so i gave it to Michiyo, and the other was a sango who did not want to stay on her base. but i kept her. XD the last thing i got was a badge for my uncle that was from aqua teen hunger force and it had this little blocky guy on it and it was flicking the birdie and it said "i hope you can see this boston, cause I'm doing it as hard as i can. i didn't get it, but dad and bryan (my uncle) laughed their heads off. so anyway, they announce that the con is staying open, and we are like, well, what do we do now? we just did most of tomorrow... i looked at the schedule and there was only one thing i wanted to do the next day, Ami's other drawing lesson. Michiyo felt like crap and sam was like, whatever, either way. jim wanted to stay, but we convinced him (i won't go into details for his sake) to go with promises of hanging out and awesome cosplay. we go on our way home and stop for dinner at wendys, we get shakes too. XD we to michiyo's around 130 AM, and dropped her off. sam lives right near us, so we dropped her home next, around 2, and finally we got home, (still 2, her house is 5 minutes from ours.) i passed out in my room, ending my looooong day.
Kisa-chan out! Comment!
Edit: Michiyo here, sorry for the long delay, School started and I've been busy, since my school, unlike Kisa-chan's, is actually teaching people things. If anyone actually cares, I'll fix Kisa-chan's grammer in the above post so you can actually read it. Here are some of the pictures I took.

This is Sam dressed up as Kyo, from Fruits Basket.

Wow, an entire group of Ouran Host cosplayers! Aren't they amazing?

While not exactly an anime character, Mario is technically japanese.

Here's an amazing cosplayer of Hikaru from Magic Knight Rayearth.

Here's Sumomo! All that's missing now is a Kotoko to complete the image of cuteness!
Michiyo out.
Kisa-chan out! Comment!
Edit: Michiyo here, sorry for the long delay, School started and I've been busy, since my school, unlike Kisa-chan's, is actually teaching people things. If anyone actually cares, I'll fix Kisa-chan's grammer in the above post so you can actually read it. Here are some of the pictures I took.

This is Sam dressed up as Kyo, from Fruits Basket.

Wow, an entire group of Ouran Host cosplayers! Aren't they amazing?

While not exactly an anime character, Mario is technically japanese.

Here's an amazing cosplayer of Hikaru from Magic Knight Rayearth.

Here's Sumomo! All that's missing now is a Kotoko to complete the image of cuteness!
Michiyo out.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Whee! our next con adventure is atsuicon, coming this weekend. (aug 3-5) in houston.
( ) i am cosplaying, i dunno if anyone else is tho... >.< me or Michiyo-Chan will post a description after the con. XD
( ) i am cosplaying, i dunno if anyone else is tho... >.< me or Michiyo-Chan will post a description after the con. XD
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Mourning Hammy And Loving Kitty

I thought i made a post for here, but i guess i didn't... On June 14th, we lost a member of our family. My hamster... T-T i was quite sad for a while, but the great thing is, i also got a kitten, his name is Ki-Rin (Pronounced key-rin) he is adorable. XDXDXDXD
there are some pics.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Sleepover Madness 2
So, we had a sleepover about a week ago, and we had originally planed for it to be a like a slumber party, but Jessica couldn't go, and Blakely ditched us, so it was just Michiyo-Chan and i. we stayed up all night (i mean the quite literally. we stayed up till 7 am. XD) watching anime and Buffy. XD we also did a lot of singing. XD we sung Avril lavigne, michiyo-Chan's choir songs, and the songs from the episode of Buffy the vampire slayer, Once More With Feeling. our faves are I've got a theory and walk through the fire, also going through the motions. ^^ we decided that if we find some sort of talent show we can both enter we are going to sing the first 2 of those songs. XD we really just watched anime and ate snacks till we both felt like puking. XD we had crappy pizza too. >< the anime we watched are: chobits (LOVE!!!) , tsubasa (LOVE!!!) , angelic layer (Like), and D N Angel (bleh.).
well, Kisa-chan out! ^^ Comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, Kisa-chan out! ^^ Comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Preparation for Atsui-con
So, Kisa-chan and I are planning on going Atsui-con in August. I have a source of income now (Babysitting my little brother for 15 dollars a day) so assuming I manage to resist buying too much fma stuff, I will have enough saved up. Anyway, there are several costumes I want to try. The one i'm working hardest on at the moment is Ichihara Yuuko-san, from xxxHOLiC, I recently bought a three foot long black wig for her. Kisa-chan wants to be Sakura, and i'm hoping to convince Jim-kun to be Watanuki Kimihiro (also from xxxHOLiC), our dear friend, Sam, but i shall call her Ayame-chan, decided that she wanted to be Mokona (There-by freeing Blakely-chan from that fate). But of course, now we need a white Mokona, a Kurogane, Fai, and Syaoran.
My computer is down, so i'm posting from the downstairs computer. My artwork and writing is being delayed, partly because the only person who can fix it is in denmark for another week and a half. Le sigh.
We're gonna try to post more, I know we've neglected it.... in other news... Oh... my... god... Ed got taller...
Michiyo-chan awaaaay!
My computer is down, so i'm posting from the downstairs computer. My artwork and writing is being delayed, partly because the only person who can fix it is in denmark for another week and a half. Le sigh.
We're gonna try to post more, I know we've neglected it.... in other news... Oh... my... god... Ed got taller...
Michiyo-chan awaaaay!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Omg. i can't believe we didn't post since april... ^^;; i will get on Michiyo-chan to make a post.
but anyway, so i went to A-kon 18 and to tell the truth it was kinda boring... i didn't know anyone there exept Ami, ( but she was swamped as always.
so i had no one to talk to...
well, my dad was there, but he doesn't know the anime i know, so i can't really talk to him about that. and jim was there, but he spent the whoe time in these battletech pod things... it a gome of some sort.
but really i took a couple pics, but not a lot. it was so crowded catching up to someone ou wanted a pic of was hard, let alone taking the pic. i spent some time in the dealers room, but i didn't have a ton of money. so only so long could be spent. i did go to one panel thing. i went to the iron lolita contest, i walked in at the end, it was cool. they were making lolita style dresses with newspaper duck tape and plastic bags. it was hilarious. ^^
also on the second day i went to the pokemon battle road tournament, and just my luck in the first match i went up against someone who is in the top national rankings. luckily there weren't too many people so we all got to keep playing. ^^ my second round was against this little girl and she won because i drew only one sucky pokemon she knocked it out, so she won. it was hard to feel bad tho, she was so cute. ^^ next round was a bye, cuz there weren't enough players. and then i played a girl around my age, and i won. (finally!). we all got prizes from this little grab bag thing, and i got some cards, and a box with a gengar on it. ^^
it was fun. ^^
but anyway, so i went to A-kon 18 and to tell the truth it was kinda boring... i didn't know anyone there exept Ami, ( but she was swamped as always.
so i had no one to talk to...
well, my dad was there, but he doesn't know the anime i know, so i can't really talk to him about that. and jim was there, but he spent the whoe time in these battletech pod things... it a gome of some sort.
but really i took a couple pics, but not a lot. it was so crowded catching up to someone ou wanted a pic of was hard, let alone taking the pic. i spent some time in the dealers room, but i didn't have a ton of money. so only so long could be spent. i did go to one panel thing. i went to the iron lolita contest, i walked in at the end, it was cool. they were making lolita style dresses with newspaper duck tape and plastic bags. it was hilarious. ^^
also on the second day i went to the pokemon battle road tournament, and just my luck in the first match i went up against someone who is in the top national rankings. luckily there weren't too many people so we all got to keep playing. ^^ my second round was against this little girl and she won because i drew only one sucky pokemon she knocked it out, so she won. it was hard to feel bad tho, she was so cute. ^^ next round was a bye, cuz there weren't enough players. and then i played a girl around my age, and i won. (finally!). we all got prizes from this little grab bag thing, and i got some cards, and a box with a gengar on it. ^^
it was fun. ^^
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Ice Cream
I am NEVER eating ice cream again. So at my party we met at the pizza place, had pizza (duh...) and hung out, i also opened my presents.
i got Fruits basket 7 from Michiyo. also a necklace with a dragon on it that was early (not at the party.). and from Jim i got the stickers band, which is a stikfas band. and some chocolate crush pocky. from gabby i got a wooden cabinet for jewelry or whatever, and some stamps. to decorate it. from Jessica i got a really nice watch. (also early.) and from Tasha (who was not at my party, and was early) i got kamichama Karin 1. oh, and from my dad, i got an ipod alarm clock. (also early...)
so anyway, we then proceeded to Ben & Jerry's, and while the rest of the group sat down i went and ordered the Vermonster. i got 4 flavors of ice cream, phish food, Dublin mudslide, chocolate therapy, and strawberry. they then dumped all the ingredients on it. (2 inches of whipped cream! seriously!) and we went to work, after taking tons of pics of it. XD

So we eat, and eat, and eat, and eat, and eat. ^^ well, Jessica, Sam, Jim, Michiyo, and i did, gabby had a bunch of whipped cream, then noticed the cookies/brownies, and said she wouldn't eat anymore. (she is allergic to wheat.) so the 5 of us ate till we were going to explode, and then some... when we were almost done we went outside to finish, and took turns cheering eachother on while we drank the melted ice cream... and then... Jim Threw up! dum-dum-dum!!
lol, but he really did. it was gross... but in the end, we finished it! Yay us! XD
so then we went back to my house to await parents. and when we were there, we played with my hamster, and once, when sam was holding her, she went, 'she is not gonna bite me, is she?' and i was like, 'no, i don't think so...' so sam held whiskers up to her finger, and whiskers took a biiiig chomp on her finger! it was funny, cuz samantha completely freaked out. and then i had to pull her off, and i was like 'i guess she likes ice cream...' and everyone in the room started laughing! we are crazy like that... but yeah, eventually everybody's parents came and picked up their girl, exept jessica, cuz she was spending the night, but that, is another story. XD
well, i think thats it for now! Ja Ne!
~~she who sits alone in the dark~~ (my campfire nickname... don't ask...)
i got Fruits basket 7 from Michiyo. also a necklace with a dragon on it that was early (not at the party.). and from Jim i got the stickers band, which is a stikfas band. and some chocolate crush pocky. from gabby i got a wooden cabinet for jewelry or whatever, and some stamps. to decorate it. from Jessica i got a really nice watch. (also early.) and from Tasha (who was not at my party, and was early) i got kamichama Karin 1. oh, and from my dad, i got an ipod alarm clock. (also early...)
so anyway, we then proceeded to Ben & Jerry's, and while the rest of the group sat down i went and ordered the Vermonster. i got 4 flavors of ice cream, phish food, Dublin mudslide, chocolate therapy, and strawberry. they then dumped all the ingredients on it. (2 inches of whipped cream! seriously!) and we went to work, after taking tons of pics of it. XD

So we eat, and eat, and eat, and eat, and eat. ^^ well, Jessica, Sam, Jim, Michiyo, and i did, gabby had a bunch of whipped cream, then noticed the cookies/brownies, and said she wouldn't eat anymore. (she is allergic to wheat.) so the 5 of us ate till we were going to explode, and then some... when we were almost done we went outside to finish, and took turns cheering eachother on while we drank the melted ice cream... and then... Jim Threw up! dum-dum-dum!!
lol, but he really did. it was gross... but in the end, we finished it! Yay us! XD
so then we went back to my house to await parents. and when we were there, we played with my hamster, and once, when sam was holding her, she went, 'she is not gonna bite me, is she?' and i was like, 'no, i don't think so...' so sam held whiskers up to her finger, and whiskers took a biiiig chomp on her finger! it was funny, cuz samantha completely freaked out. and then i had to pull her off, and i was like 'i guess she likes ice cream...' and everyone in the room started laughing! we are crazy like that... but yeah, eventually everybody's parents came and picked up their girl, exept jessica, cuz she was spending the night, but that, is another story. XD
well, i think thats it for now! Ja Ne!
~~she who sits alone in the dark~~ (my campfire nickname... don't ask...)
ben and jerrys,
ice cream,
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Birthday madness.
sorry about that. it says it was Monday, but it was really 12:34 AM on Tuesday ^^
so for my birthday, when i woke up, i woke my brother up by playing my green day way too loud. that was fun. (in my house on your B-day we have 2 traditions. one is that we can break rules, the other is that we get to go on a 20 dollar or so shopping spree. but it always ends up 40 at least, because our grandma always sends us 20 dollars. XD) then i watched TV, and played dead or alive 2. for the Xbox 360. which is fun. if the outfits are a bit skimpy. ^^;;
We went to beluga for lunch, the Japanese restaurant near here, with my uncle Bryan, and his roommate Dan. that was good.
Then i went on my shopping spree, we went to dragons lair and
bought, with my almost 70 dollars!!!, an Inuyasha wall scroll, a Kyo backpack, the second manga of Kamichama Karin, which is THE most adorable manga EVER!! Tasha bought me the first one for my b-day, and i loved it so much i had to buy the other one, so THANK YOU TASHA!!! ^^but anyway, and i bought some bumper stickers, saying: Do not underestimate the power of the chocolate side of the force! and: He who hesitates is LUNCH! and: I'll get a life when someone can prove that it is better than what I've got now. (yes i know you bought that one Michiyo-Chan, i just love it.) and: Are you sure this isn't just a live-action roleplaying game? and i thought those were the best off of their shelves. ^^
but it gets better, my dad then surprises me by taking me to Claire's, to get my ears pierced! (i had stated that i wanted too a couple days back, and he had expressed his distaste for it. so i was shocked.) i got silver studs with my birthstone in it. ^^
later we(Jim, Bryan, dad and myself.) watched Rat Race. it is hilarious!! *quotes* It is a race! and i am hweening! (how he said it... ^^)
and tomorrow me and a few friends (that means you Sam, Si-Chan, Jessica and gabby!) are going to get some pizza, (well, not gabby. she is getting a salad or something, she is allergic to wheat.)then we are going to Ben and Jerry's to get a vermonster! which is: (copied straight from the website!) Vermonster - A monster of a sundae - 20 scoops of ice cream, hot fudge, banana, cookies, brownies, and all of your favorite toppings. (it wasn't in purple, but i wanted color. XP) 20 scoops! i wonder if we can finish it... i will let you know how that goes! XD
Kisa-Chan out! ^^
so for my birthday, when i woke up, i woke my brother up by playing my green day way too loud. that was fun. (in my house on your B-day we have 2 traditions. one is that we can break rules, the other is that we get to go on a 20 dollar or so shopping spree. but it always ends up 40 at least, because our grandma always sends us 20 dollars. XD) then i watched TV, and played dead or alive 2. for the Xbox 360. which is fun. if the outfits are a bit skimpy. ^^;;
We went to beluga for lunch, the Japanese restaurant near here, with my uncle Bryan, and his roommate Dan. that was good.
Then i went on my shopping spree, we went to dragons lair and
bought, with my almost 70 dollars!!!, an Inuyasha wall scroll, a Kyo backpack, the second manga of Kamichama Karin, which is THE most adorable manga EVER!! Tasha bought me the first one for my b-day, and i loved it so much i had to buy the other one, so THANK YOU TASHA!!! ^^but anyway, and i bought some bumper stickers, saying: Do not underestimate the power of the chocolate side of the force! and: He who hesitates is LUNCH! and: I'll get a life when someone can prove that it is better than what I've got now. (yes i know you bought that one Michiyo-Chan, i just love it.) and: Are you sure this isn't just a live-action roleplaying game? and i thought those were the best off of their shelves. ^^
but it gets better, my dad then surprises me by taking me to Claire's, to get my ears pierced! (i had stated that i wanted too a couple days back, and he had expressed his distaste for it. so i was shocked.) i got silver studs with my birthstone in it. ^^
later we(Jim, Bryan, dad and myself.) watched Rat Race. it is hilarious!! *quotes* It is a race! and i am hweening! (how he said it... ^^)
and tomorrow me and a few friends (that means you Sam, Si-Chan, Jessica and gabby!) are going to get some pizza, (well, not gabby. she is getting a salad or something, she is allergic to wheat.)then we are going to Ben and Jerry's to get a vermonster! which is: (copied straight from the website!) Vermonster - A monster of a sundae - 20 scoops of ice cream, hot fudge, banana, cookies, brownies, and all of your favorite toppings. (it wasn't in purple, but i wanted color. XP) 20 scoops! i wonder if we can finish it... i will let you know how that goes! XD
Kisa-Chan out! ^^
Monday, March 26, 2007
YAY!!! 14 at last!!
Yay! its my birthday!!! i shall no longer be called imouto-chan by Michiyo-chan! XD (did i spell that right?)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Sorry! No pics. the stupid camera i bought didn't work right so they are all too dark too see exept one, but it is just Si-chan and jim-kun, so i won't bother. i can however give you links to other pics. go to and go to forums and cosplay and the ikkicon coslay pic thread!!! (it is spelled with the exclaimation marks. thats not me. ^^;; )
here is one of me and Si-chan and Sammy-chan
Yay Skypirate! they have the best pics. ^^
sorry i didn't get any! T-T
here is one of me and Si-chan and Sammy-chan
Yay Skypirate! they have the best pics. ^^
sorry i didn't get any! T-T
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Ikkicon 2007
We had a great deal of arguing over who would do this post, but finally it was agreed that I would write about it, and Kisa-chan would do the pictures.
Since Kisa-chan and our friend, who shall be known as Rain-chan, both do not live in austin, it was up to me to provide temporary habitation... Basically, we had a big sleepover at my house.
We realized sometime that night, that my brother had eaten all the ramen noodles, and so there was no food left, and thus, we ordered pizza. Kisa-chan for some reason thought that she would be able to eat an entire large cheese pizza by herself, and so over half the pizza is still sitting in the fridge as we speak.
The Large sausage pizza went fast, between me, Rain-chan, and my little brother, so there are no leftovers of that.
Then we attempted to go to bed, which was difficult, and included numerous bluffs to get people to move around, before finally, after about the fifth time that Rain-chan and Kisa-chan knocked eachother off the bed, we switched and fell asleep.
We had to wake up at 6:30 in order to have enough time to get a snack, get changed into costume, wake up Rain-chan, and straighten my hair, and we were still rushed, because we spent too long eating.
After we drove around awhile, trying to find decent breakfast, we finally arrived, and stood in line for an eternity to get our badges. While in line, we met Wrath-chu, a deviantartist and Munich Ed (From Fullmetal alchemist) cosplayer.
The rest of the day was spent basically wandering around, and buying stuff.
Saturday, we woke up late, but still managed to get to Ikkicon before noon. We met up with Wrath-chu, and then at 3:00 was the FMA Photoshoot. I was travel-Winry, so I got to go.
Sunday we got there late again, and we mainly bought a bit more stuff...
And i'm supposed to be cleaning right now, so bye!
Since Kisa-chan and our friend, who shall be known as Rain-chan, both do not live in austin, it was up to me to provide temporary habitation... Basically, we had a big sleepover at my house.
We realized sometime that night, that my brother had eaten all the ramen noodles, and so there was no food left, and thus, we ordered pizza. Kisa-chan for some reason thought that she would be able to eat an entire large cheese pizza by herself, and so over half the pizza is still sitting in the fridge as we speak.
The Large sausage pizza went fast, between me, Rain-chan, and my little brother, so there are no leftovers of that.
Then we attempted to go to bed, which was difficult, and included numerous bluffs to get people to move around, before finally, after about the fifth time that Rain-chan and Kisa-chan knocked eachother off the bed, we switched and fell asleep.
We had to wake up at 6:30 in order to have enough time to get a snack, get changed into costume, wake up Rain-chan, and straighten my hair, and we were still rushed, because we spent too long eating.
After we drove around awhile, trying to find decent breakfast, we finally arrived, and stood in line for an eternity to get our badges. While in line, we met Wrath-chu, a deviantartist and Munich Ed (From Fullmetal alchemist) cosplayer.
The rest of the day was spent basically wandering around, and buying stuff.
Saturday, we woke up late, but still managed to get to Ikkicon before noon. We met up with Wrath-chu, and then at 3:00 was the FMA Photoshoot. I was travel-Winry, so I got to go.
Sunday we got there late again, and we mainly bought a bit more stuff...
And i'm supposed to be cleaning right now, so bye!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Anime Convention approaching
The anime convention is in eight days, and the top part of my costume is only half-finished, and I have yet to even start on the weird arabian pants and the skirt thingy... why did I pick such a difficult costume?
I don't think I shall manage to finish it in time, however, I have a back-up plan!
If imitate my drawing of me, and if I straighten my hair, my hair actually is that long, and I happen to have a black jacket, a white tanktop, and a black skirt. And i'm sure I can find a wrench somewhere, and mom should have boots, then all I need is a bit of gel for my bangs...
Can you guess it? Yeah... my back-up plan is Winry Rockbell. I would go as Ed, my bangs are perfect for it already, but I don't have the clothes Ed wears, *Sigh*.
Kisa-chan seems to have nearly finished her costume, good for her... the ears are still crooked.
Next time i'm starting WAY before! Hey, Kisa-chan, how about we go as Elda and Freya next time? They both have long blond hair, and as long as I wear platform boots and finally get around to wearing my contacts, we should do fine.
But in any case, Manga we've read recently... Well, i've read three of the Kindaichi case files (Which i stupidly read before bed), up to chapter 67 of Fullmetal alchemist (Eeek, creepy yet awesome Armstrong's older sister), up to somewhere around halfway through volume 17 of Tsubasa Resevoire chronicle (So depressing, I hope it has a happy ending.), volume 8 of xxxHolic (SNOWBALL FIIIGHT!), volumes 1-6 and 15-22 of fruits basket, I also read a bit of Godchild and Absolute boyfriend in Kisa-chan's Shojou beat, which she needs to lend me more of, and then I read Man of many faces, and I read some Dragonball Z and Yu Yu hakasho.
Kisa-chan has recently read at least Fullmetal alchemist 1-7, though I don't know what else...
And that's all I can manage right now... I want chicken soup, i've been really sick since Tuesday.
I don't think I shall manage to finish it in time, however, I have a back-up plan!
If imitate my drawing of me, and if I straighten my hair, my hair actually is that long, and I happen to have a black jacket, a white tanktop, and a black skirt. And i'm sure I can find a wrench somewhere, and mom should have boots, then all I need is a bit of gel for my bangs...
Can you guess it? Yeah... my back-up plan is Winry Rockbell. I would go as Ed, my bangs are perfect for it already, but I don't have the clothes Ed wears, *Sigh*.
Kisa-chan seems to have nearly finished her costume, good for her... the ears are still crooked.
Next time i'm starting WAY before! Hey, Kisa-chan, how about we go as Elda and Freya next time? They both have long blond hair, and as long as I wear platform boots and finally get around to wearing my contacts, we should do fine.
But in any case, Manga we've read recently... Well, i've read three of the Kindaichi case files (Which i stupidly read before bed), up to chapter 67 of Fullmetal alchemist (Eeek, creepy yet awesome Armstrong's older sister), up to somewhere around halfway through volume 17 of Tsubasa Resevoire chronicle (So depressing, I hope it has a happy ending.), volume 8 of xxxHolic (SNOWBALL FIIIGHT!), volumes 1-6 and 15-22 of fruits basket, I also read a bit of Godchild and Absolute boyfriend in Kisa-chan's Shojou beat, which she needs to lend me more of, and then I read Man of many faces, and I read some Dragonball Z and Yu Yu hakasho.
Kisa-chan has recently read at least Fullmetal alchemist 1-7, though I don't know what else...
And that's all I can manage right now... I want chicken soup, i've been really sick since Tuesday.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Sleepover Madness!!
ok, so me and michiyo-chan wrote this a few weeks back, and i was supposed to make sure the italics ans bold were in place the next day, but i forgot till now. so, here ya-go!
Hiya Peeps! so, michiyo-chan is spending the night at my house (she is next to me!) we are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hyper!!! i will be Italics and
michiyochan will be Bold.
so, we are watching cardcaptor sakura and reading harry potter trivia cards, and...
I WOOOOOOON! I caught the snitch right away, and Kisa-chan decided then to read all the snitch ones and see if i would miss any, and i only missed five...
yeah. she only missed 5. and anyway, she decided to ask me them after, and there was one that was "what did fred and george use to navigate the flying car?" and i said "WAIT!!! a steering wheel!!!!" and that nearly killed michiyo-chan! it was awesome. so now we are typing and fighting over the keyboard...
Well, before this point, we decided it would be fun to try to fuse ourselves like in dragonball Z, but it didn't work... thought kisa-chan swears we turned into a fat guy. The donuts were all her idea, i swear! nooo.o... the keyboardddd
is mine!! muahaha!! lol. i did not! its my dads fault. he said it. i blame him entirely!!! not my fault!!!!!!!! lol. also, i decided about 2 minutes ago would be a good time to shout "OH NOO!!! THE BACKPACK CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!" and michiyo-chan just kindof looked at me funny......
She also said she turned into a pi
NO!!! you can't say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is not allowed!!!!!! (by me!!!!!) hehe... she wrote smich... lol! XD
:P so what, you... you... you... umm... you said that... forget it, *pokes kisa-chan's arm* I POKED YOU! HAAAAH!
you say the donut holes were a bad idea... you went along with it! i just needed to keep from falling asleep! i didn'y *hits michiyo-chan with pillow*
Oh! and we played soul caliber 3 earlier, and we so beat everyone until they learned the combos... which i hadn't used in so long that i forgot them all, and i made a cool sage character, but her dress is too big, i need to change it, and like, we drew stuff too... gbhejkkshk
i so kicked theyer butts anyway!!! until they made me play mthe character i made, she sucks. she fights with a freakin' tamborine! of course, then the bragging rights are fun... "i beat you with a tamborine!!!" lol. *giggles uncotrollably* we
lkoi, mnjbhg
Forgot to make sure we had crab meat before i came, so we didn't make onigiri today, but we're going to make it tommorrow, for lunch. abhjdsbfc
Don't forget we need to save one for sammy-chan. other wise she will hate me T-T lol
.... XD, we are so drunk... on SUGAR! DONUT HOLES of doommmmmmm
lol. and caprisun, and pretzels...and oatmeal...and hjgfjh g
and pizza rolls, don't forget those, can't fr0o]]]] r
i didn't have pizza rolls. and iiiiice cream...and donut holessssssssssssss.,pkjiu
Something... ... ... SqUiShY?!?!?!?!?!??! sorry, i had to wake up early for gymnastics, and nicole kept saying: Something ...... ... SqUiShY?!?!?!?!MM$:Kpd
THOU HAST DENIED MY OF MY PIZZA-LIKE GOODNESS! THOU DEBOSHED FISH THOU, OUT OF YOUR WITS AND HEARING TOO, A POX O' YOU'RE BOTTLE... wait... that's my favorite line from the tempest, my bad. aousdfbh;h.eirtlru.ti37mdjht
yes. i did. i don't like combonation pizza rolls...they are icky... uytgzx c
Combination, it's spelt combination, and they are not icky :P. no, kisa-dxzziknm!!
shut up. its late.
your smiley has a moooooooooooooole../.;jhgyfutzxf
Who cares, but anyway, we need to get off now, i'm drawing from my secret inner-mental-thingy reserves of sanity now.
bye bye.
Bye, guys
Michiyo-chan out.
Hiya Peeps! so, michiyo-chan is spending the night at my house (she is next to me!) we are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hyper!!! i will be Italics and
michiyochan will be Bold.
so, we are watching cardcaptor sakura and reading harry potter trivia cards, and...
I WOOOOOOON! I caught the snitch right away, and Kisa-chan decided then to read all the snitch ones and see if i would miss any, and i only missed five...
yeah. she only missed 5. and anyway, she decided to ask me them after, and there was one that was "what did fred and george use to navigate the flying car?" and i said "WAIT!!! a steering wheel!!!!" and that nearly killed michiyo-chan! it was awesome. so now we are typing and fighting over the keyboard...
Well, before this point, we decided it would be fun to try to fuse ourselves like in dragonball Z, but it didn't work... thought kisa-chan swears we turned into a fat guy. The donuts were all her idea, i swear! nooo.o... the keyboardddd
is mine!! muahaha!! lol. i did not! its my dads fault. he said it. i blame him entirely!!! not my fault!!!!!!!! lol. also, i decided about 2 minutes ago would be a good time to shout "OH NOO!!! THE BACKPACK CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!" and michiyo-chan just kindof looked at me funny......
She also said she turned into a pi
NO!!! you can't say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is not allowed!!!!!! (by me!!!!!) hehe... she wrote smich... lol! XD
:P so what, you... you... you... umm... you said that... forget it, *pokes kisa-chan's arm* I POKED YOU! HAAAAH!
you say the donut holes were a bad idea... you went along with it! i just needed to keep from falling asleep! i didn'y *hits michiyo-chan with pillow*
Oh! and we played soul caliber 3 earlier, and we so beat everyone until they learned the combos... which i hadn't used in so long that i forgot them all, and i made a cool sage character, but her dress is too big, i need to change it, and like, we drew stuff too... gbhejkkshk
i so kicked theyer butts anyway!!! until they made me play mthe character i made, she sucks. she fights with a freakin' tamborine! of course, then the bragging rights are fun... "i beat you with a tamborine!!!" lol. *giggles uncotrollably* we
lkoi, mnjbhg
Forgot to make sure we had crab meat before i came, so we didn't make onigiri today, but we're going to make it tommorrow, for lunch. abhjdsbfc
Don't forget we need to save one for sammy-chan. other wise she will hate me T-T lol
.... XD, we are so drunk... on SUGAR! DONUT HOLES of doommmmmmm
lol. and caprisun, and pretzels...and oatmeal...and hjgfjh g
and pizza rolls, don't forget those, can't fr0o]]]] r
i didn't have pizza rolls. and iiiiice cream...and donut holessssssssssssss.,pkjiu
Something... ... ... SqUiShY?!?!?!?!?!??! sorry, i had to wake up early for gymnastics, and nicole kept saying: Something ...... ... SqUiShY?!?!?!?!MM$:Kpd
THOU HAST DENIED MY OF MY PIZZA-LIKE GOODNESS! THOU DEBOSHED FISH THOU, OUT OF YOUR WITS AND HEARING TOO, A POX O' YOU'RE BOTTLE... wait... that's my favorite line from the tempest, my bad. aousdfbh;h.eirtlru.ti37mdjht
yes. i did. i don't like combonation pizza rolls...they are icky... uytgzx c
Combination, it's spelt combination, and they are not icky :P. no, kisa-dxzziknm!!
shut up. its late.
your smiley has a moooooooooooooole../.;jhgyfutzxf
Who cares, but anyway, we need to get off now, i'm drawing from my secret inner-mental-thingy reserves of sanity now.
bye bye.
Bye, guys
Michiyo-chan out.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Hiya! so me and Michiyo-chan are going to an anime convention in fabuary called Ikki-con, and we are working furiously on our costumes, (sakura-chan from cardcaptors for me, and sakura-hime (princess) from tsubasa for michiyo-chan) mine is a pink dress with a skirt that sticks almost strait out. and in the manga is made of rubber, as they were fighting the thunder card. and it has cat ears and a tail, and its sleeves stick straight up. hold on, lemme find a pic.
here ya go. its a pretty good pic. and michiyo-chan's is a pink (lighter than mine) half shirt (which she is making longer.) and a choker with gold coins hanging from it, (which we are making out of cardboard and gold fabric.) and big poofy arabian pants, and a pink overskirt with purplish trim.
and the skirt:
well, i have to go. TTYL!
here ya go. its a pretty good pic. and michiyo-chan's is a pink (lighter than mine) half shirt (which she is making longer.) and a choker with gold coins hanging from it, (which we are making out of cardboard and gold fabric.) and big poofy arabian pants, and a pink overskirt with purplish trim.
and the skirt:
well, i have to go. TTYL!
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Merry christmas! Happy new year!
Hiya! sorry i haven't posted in a while, i was in chicago for christmas.
one of my christmas presents was a manga tarot (which i always thought was pronounced as it was spelled, not 'taro'...wierd, huh?) card deck (which i still have no idea how to use... can anybody help with that?) from my parental units, as samantha would say XD, the art on the cards is really pretty, its by Selina Lin.
i also got a book called 'bloody jack curse of the blue tatoo', from tamesa, a bracelet from jessica, a jewlery box and jewlery also from dad, a sketch book also dad, a DS game called 'Hamsterz life' from jim, and another DS game called 'touch detective' from my uncle. i also got a headset thing that you supposedly plug into an ipod or something and sing into it, and it matches your voice to the song, but i don't know how this works yet, i don't have batterys.
anybody else get anything good for christmas? comment and tell me!
anyway, G2G, lol
HamsterGirl <3 s you!
one of my christmas presents was a manga tarot (which i always thought was pronounced as it was spelled, not 'taro'...wierd, huh?) card deck (which i still have no idea how to use... can anybody help with that?) from my parental units, as samantha would say XD, the art on the cards is really pretty, its by Selina Lin.
i also got a book called 'bloody jack curse of the blue tatoo', from tamesa, a bracelet from jessica, a jewlery box and jewlery also from dad, a sketch book also dad, a DS game called 'Hamsterz life' from jim, and another DS game called 'touch detective' from my uncle. i also got a headset thing that you supposedly plug into an ipod or something and sing into it, and it matches your voice to the song, but i don't know how this works yet, i don't have batterys.
anybody else get anything good for christmas? comment and tell me!
anyway, G2G, lol
HamsterGirl <3 s you!
new year,
selina lin,
tarot cards,
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